Monday, June 1, 2009

Insomnia is ...

insomnia and woman
Insomnia is insufficient sleep. It is divided by type of sleep disorder and duration. Insomnia is divided into: - difficulties while trying to go to sleep (insomnia at the beginning of sleep) - Frequently and constantly awakening (sleep maintenance difficulties) - Perpetual somnolence despite appropriate length of sleep

Duration is also very important. Temporary insomnia - insomnia, which lasts from one to several nights (within one episode) Temporary insomnia is usually a result of stress or change of time zones when you travel. Short-term insomnia lasts from several days to 3 weeks. Duration of such disorders are usually caused by prolonged stress, such as recovery from surgical procedures, or short-term illness, after a tough examination, the death of close persons, beginning to work on a new and responsible job, etc. Long-term insomnia lasts for months or years and it is usually a reflection of long-term psychiatric or medical disorders, medications, or primary sleep disorders. Long-term insomnia can be permanent, or with modifications of episodes of insomnia and proper sleep. A few nights of poor sleep, usually caused by stress or excitement, are a common and frequent phenomenon and leaves no lasting consequence to the man.
Long-term insomnia, however, has significant consequences and prevents a person to do daily chores, causes mood changes, disturbances in family relations and increases the risk of injury caused by reduced attention and reduced caution due to drowsy.

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